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Guide | How to Disable or Enable Windows Defender in Windows 10 Home Edition.

Posted by Android Flash Firmware on Saturday, October 14, 2017

Guide | How to Disable or Enable Windows Defender in Windows 10 Home Edition.

Disable Enable Windows Defender. The following guide will show you how to disable or enable Windows Defender in Windows 10 with an easy method. This guide work on Windows 10 home edition. Windows Defender program is malware protection to help you identify and removes any spyware, viruses, and other malicious software. Windows Defender included and built into Windows 8 and Windows 10. On the previous version of windows, you can use Microsoft Security Essentials. Which to enable Microsoft Security Essentials you must manually download from the official Microsoft Windows website. 

Windows Defender will automatically load on Windows Startup, it will run in the background and notifies you when you need to take a specific action. If you want to use antivirus software from another product, you must uninstall Windows Defender first. For certain reason, you can disable or enable Windows Defender. And now, you can follow this guide how to do it.

Guide to Disable / Enable Windows Defender.

First Methode. (Some people are saying that it doesn't disable it properly)

  1. Turn On the Windows 10 computer.
  2. From the Desktop click Start button.
  3. Then click Settings.
  4. From the settings windows, click Update & Security.
    disable or enable Windows Defender in Windows 10
    disable or enable Windows Defender in Windows 10
  5.  Then, from the Update & Security windows click Windows Defender.
    disable or enable Windows Defender in Windows 10
    disable or enable Windows Defender in Windows 10
  6. Make sure the Real-time protection, Cloud-based protection, Sample submission is turned all.

Second Method. (for Windows 10 Home edition - Using Registry Editor)

  1. Open registry editor.
  2. From the Start menu search bar type regedit.
  3. regedit windows 10
    regedit windows 10
  4. If the User Account Control Pop-up windows appear on screen, tap Yes. 
  5. Now, Registry editor windows will open.
  6. From the left registry editor window you must go to ; 
    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender.
      disable or enable Windows Defender in Windows 10
      disable or enable Windows Defender in Windows 10
  7. Now, right click on the right window - click DWORD (32-bit) Value.
    disable or enable Windows Defender in Windows 10
    disable or enable Windows Defender in Windows 10
  8. Then, rename a new value to DisableAntiSpyware 
  9. Once it was done, double-click on DisableAntiSpyware to open Edit DWORD (32-bit) Value pop-up windows.
    disable or enable Windows Defender in Windows 10
    disable or enable Windows Defender in Windows 10
  10. Type the following value data.
    • Type 0 to enable
    • Type 1 to disable.
  11. Now, go to the first methods above,
    • If you disable Windows Defender, the Real-time protection, Cloud-based protection, Sample submission is turned off.
      disable windows defender
      disable windows defender
    • To enable Windows Defender again, you must delete the value. (refer to step 7 above)


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