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How To Remotely Control One Android To Another Device

Posted by Android Flash Firmware on Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Now million of people are having an Android smartphone. Our android is like the second computer that we carry in our pocket as it can perform lots of tasks. If we talk about remotely controlling one Android with another, it was possible!
Here we will discuss 5 Android apps that will help you to remotely control one Android with another. You can get all those apps from Google Play store itself! We have arranged the apps according to user ratings and reviews.

Step-1 TeamViewer

Everyone might know this one, this is the popular app that lets you control your computer with your Android, or even can remotely control one computer with Another. TeamViewer for Remote Control provides easy, fast and secure remote access and is already used on more than 1.3 billion devices worldwide.

Step-2 join.me – Simple Meetings

Stay connected everywhere with join.me – for free! join.me includes audio and video conferencing by phone or the internet (VoIP) so you can see and hear anything in real time…on your time. Share your screen with participants on audio and video at the same time. You and your viewers can zoom in and see the details of every discussion – even on your phone. Whether at home, at the airport, in the coffee shop – everyone can join in the conversation with join.me.


This is a remote control app, which allows you to control Android devices with any other Android phone, PC or Mac. The app is mainly developed for remote control of Android TV sticks but as well works with a wide range of smartphones and tablets.

Step-VNC Viewer for Android

VNC Viewer for Android is the original Open Source (GPL) remote desktop program for Android devices. You can connect almost every device with the help of VNC viewer. It connects to most VNC servers which include ealVNC on Win and Linux, x11vnc, and Apple Remote Desktop on OS/X.

Step-Tablet Remote

Tablet Remote let you control an Android tablet or phone with another Android device. You can send common input like “Back”, “Home”, “Menu” or “Search” to the tablet, control its volume and brightness and also type words.
These are 5 best apps available in Google play store that lets you remotely control one android with another. If you have some more apps to add to this list, comment us in the comment section below. Hope you like the post, share it with others too!


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