You may be using many WiFi connections through your desktop or laptop. Sometimes, a situation arises, where you may forget the connected Wifi network password. First of all, you should remember that whenever you connect to a WiFi network and enter the password to connect to that network, you are actually making a new WLAN profile of that WiFi network. In essence, every time you make an Internet connection, that particular profile get stored inside the PC/laptop along with the other required details of the WiFi profile.
In this article, we will be learning how to find a particular Wi-Fi password using the command prompt instead of Windows GUI. These steps work even when you are totally offline or you are not connected to the particular WI-Fi profile you are looking the password for.
How to know the WiFi password using cmd:
- Open the command prompt and run it as administrator. One of the first things to do is to open the command prompt in administrator mode. In older Windows 7/8.1 run PC/Laptops right click on command prompt and choose Run as administrator from the drop-down menu
- Windows 10 run PC/laptops simple click Windows Key + X and run Command Prompt (Admin) directly.
- In the next step, we want to know about all the profiles that are stored in our computer. For that type following command in the cmd:
netsh wlan show profile
This command will list out all the WiFi profiles that your PC/laptop has ever connected to.

From the above list, I want to find out the password for ''Hacker'' Type the following command to see the password of Hacker'' or any other Wi-Fi profile you want.
netsh wlan show profile WiFi-name key=clear
The result will be something like this

Under the key content in security settings, you can see the password. You can use the same command to check and find out the password for each and every profile saved on your PC/laptop.
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