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Oops ... Open Blocked Sites with Google Chrome Android

Posted by Android Flash Firmware on Thursday, August 25, 2016

Oops ... Open Blocked Sites with Google Chrome Android

Oops ... Open Blocked Sites with Google Chrome

The world of internet is a vast world to explore. Many things bisaa obtained through this virtual world connections. Not only are positive, the internet also has a negative side. The presence of the internet makes some of these countries also issued rules. Even some of the policies up to the blocking of a site.

Restrictions to the blocking of sites is of course to reduce access to the site. Why blocked? Certainly according to the state government is considered as sites negatively affect or jeopardize national security.

These sites are blocked are sites that contain adult content, gambling, pornography, and more. Call it the longer warm conversation now, sites like YouTube video service Vimeo ie officially blocked. The reason is because these sites are pornographic content. Yet if we look on YouTube too much.

Another such example imgur.com participating sites blocked. Though this site is the site of providers sharing images, even in contact with the block. For those who often come to the forums and look at that thread there is an image that does not appear it karana participate blocked. The reason is again the same, because imgur.com sites containing pornographic content.

So how to you that have pornographic content (either photos or video) and then upload it to Facebook. If there must be sought anyway. And why not follow blocked as well?

Both services are the only service providers for sharing video or photos. But the fact remains blocked.

Now how in order to open the blocked sites easily on Android without using VPN, DNS locker, looking for a different proxy services and other sites. Quite simply use the Chrome browser on Android!

Install Apps Google Chrome or Google Chrome Beta in the Android Play Store.
Open the application and go to Settings.
The Advanced select Reduce usage of data.Enable the feature.
If you have, out of the Chrome app and open it again.
Now try to open the blocked sites, like Vimeo.com or imgur.com.

If still blocked, enough to refresh a few times.

Oops, now you can enjoy the Internet without restriction sites are blocked. Good luck.


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