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How to Solve Memory Full on the Android With 1 GB RAM in the Lower

Posted by Android Flash Firmware on Sunday, September 11, 2016

How to Solve Memory Full on the Android With 1 GB RAM in the Lower

How to Solve Memory Full on the Android With 1 GB RAM in the Lower

There are many things you can do with a smartphone Android, Android smartphone create internal memory that you have become full quickly. The things that cause full Android smartphone's internal memory is usually due too many to install the application, a game, a lot of files downloaded and such.
There are several ways to cope with the full Android internal memory without any application. Well, here is Jaka give 5 quickest ways to overcome the memory is full Android smartphone without apps.

5 Fastest Ways to Overcome Memory Full

1. Clear Cache Map on Google Map

How to Solve Memory Full on the Android With 1 GB RAM in the Lower

Clear cache folder is the first way to cope with fast memory is full. Currently the average Android smartphone is equipped with a GPS feature and the default application Google Map. When you use Google Map to go to the destination and use offline map it becomes one of the causes of internal memory Android smartphone you quickly filled.

On Android Google Map app, select the menu at the top left. Then select Offline Areas. Furthermore, you will find the option to delete the stored Offline Area.

2. Delete Playlist Sync long Not Playing

How to Solve Memory Full on the Android With 1 GB RAM in the Lower

Some Android applications such as online music player * Spotify* provide many options playlist best songs. The songs on Spotify app you can download it easily. Well, this is one cause of the Android smartphone's internal memory is full.

Therefore, open the Spotify app and then select Library from the main menu (or on the tab navigation). Next you will see a list of playlists that sync is green, and that means you've downloaded. Then select one
only and remove the tick on offline  to remove the files from your Android smartphone.

As for Google Play Music, you can check Manage Downloads from the Settings menu. Then you'll see a list of the songs on your Android smartphone. You just give tick mark on each song that you want to delete from the playlist.

3. Remove Duplicate Photos and videos or Unnecessary

How to Solve Memory Full on the Android With 1 GB RAM in the Lower

With the growing sophistication innate feature of your Android smartphone features like camera, usually you will be more comfortable to take photos and video. Maybe because too many photos and video files, making you not realize that a lot of photos and videos
not so important that you make your Android internal memory becomes full.

Time for you to pick and choose and filter photos and videos anywhere that is not you need. You can also move the first pictures or videos from your Android smartphone to another storage medium, such as flash drives. You can even make your Android smartphone to support OTG order to directly transfer files.

4. Delete Files Are No Longer Used from Result Browser Download

How to Solve Memory Full on the Android With 1 GB RAM in the Lower

Do you ever download files from the website to your Android smartphone? If yes, please check back  files  you've downloaded it. Perhaps there are large files that are no longer needed you. This will make Android internal memory is full. In the Chrome browser, every file downloaded will be automatically entered into the download folder.
Well, how to cope with fast memory is full that you just need to check the download folder and delete unnecessary files.

5.Remove Games and Applications that have long Not Played

How to Solve Memory Full on the Android With 1 GB RAM in the Lower

Too many free apps that you can download and install on your Android smartphone, usually will make you forget the land and make Android internal memory becomes full. Because, some games or Android applications may no longer be playable again.

Some Android applications or games have great data, especially for Android HD games can have a size of more than 500 MB of data. Well, if you're already long time no application or game play should be removed instead to enlarge your Android smartphone's internal memory.

So now you know the 5 quickest ways to overcome the memory becomes full on Android smartphones without applications If you do not want to be bothered, you can also use the Android application System Tool that will assist you in keeping your Android smartphone in order to stay in the best condition. If you have any other way please yes comment.


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