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YouTube go Apk Download: Best YouTube Downloader| for sock rom go to rompure.com

Posted by Android Flash Firmware on Sunday, November 19, 2017

Youtubego is a simplified YouTube app that allows you to streams YouTube videos with low bandwidth and download YouTube videos. One special feature of Youtube go is the ability to preview your YouTube Videos before downloading or watching.

1. Shows you the amount of data(mb) you are going to use before watching a video. 
This is good for people with limited data. Most people will just see that their data has been exhausted without finishing the video
2. Select the format of video you want to watch which comes in different data(mb) size thereby allowing you to know which one you can afford to watch.

3. Preview a video before watching.
This is really good because when you search for a video on YouTube it brings out many results with similar title and you won't know the one you want to watch.you may end up wasting your data watching a video without it answering your question but with this feature you can take a preview before watching to know if its what you want to watch.
4.  Ability download videos and watch later.
With this feature you can download a video to watch later.

5. Allows you share videos without using data(mb).with this feature you can share videos with friends without using your data(mb) so they don't have to download them again
6. Works on 2G,3G,and 4G without buffering


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