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How to Set Full Size Profile Picture on Whatsapp Without Crop| for sock rom go to rompure.com

Posted by Android Flash Firmware on Monday, November 20, 2017

WhatsApp is one of the well known mobile social media which is used to chat,  share ideas,  pictures and videos with fiends,  family and love ones.  
Whatsapp keeps rolling new updates from the increase in group members,  addition of video call,  uploading your status inform of pictures or videos. 
Although with the updated from Whatsapp,  they fail to notice the essential update that should be done i.e allowing it's users uploading a full size profile photo without cropping. Some users would like to show the full profile photo but are prompted to crop your photo before uploading. 


How to Set Full Size Profile Picture on Whatsapp Without Crop

Uploading a full size photo as your profile picture can be made possible without root,  you simply need to square your picture before uploading it. 
This can be done using Squaredroid: No Crop App. 
Squaredroid is an Android app that allows you upload full size photos on Whatsapp, facebook,  instagram, twitter and other social media without cropping. 
1. First,  download #SquareDroid: No Crop App. and install it.  It's a free app, although you can upgrade to the Pro version in other to enjoy a new express-save feature that helps you to save edited image quickly.

2. Launch SquareDroid and tap the "Square Profile Photo" button. Next, you scroll through your gallery to choose a picture you wish to use as your WhatsApp profile picture 
3. You will be prompted to choose the selected image Border type. Simply click on  Blur, as it makes the image look more lively.Use the slider to adjust the blurriness of the image to atleast 45% or more. Then tap done!.

4. Next, you'll notice some image editing tools such as rotate, scale, crop, save etc. You may wish to edit the image to suite your taste. Notice the floating color palette icon, this helps to change the image border type. 

Once you're done simply save the image by clicking the Save button, then select save format and tap Save Photo.
5. Now launch your WhatsApp messenger and go to the profile option,  Settings >> Profile. Click on the Camera, icon and then browse through your gallery and select the image you had earlier saved.  
It will automatically fit in the Whatsapp crop size and Click Done to set as your Whatsapp profile photo. 
Final Words

You can now upload anybody your photo as your Whatsapp profile photo without cropping thanks to Squaredroid.  
If you any app similar to squaredroid that can make you square your photo,  feel free to notify us using the comments. 


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