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How To Create Gmail Account: Gmail Sign in Register | for sock rom go to rompure.com

Posted by Android Flash Firmware on Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Getting a free email account is very important. Irrespective of your age, occupation,  gender,  we all need an email account where we can receive our private and important mails. Before registering in any site,  you need an active mail account so there is need to create one.  There are lot of web mail providers such as Yahoo mail, Gmail,  Hotmail and so on. 

In this article,  we will enlighten you how to create email address gmail which is hosted free by Google. 

The features  of getting a gmail Google mail account is so important making virtually 80% of web users have one or more Gmail Account(s).

Do I Have to Pay to Open a Gmail Account?
Gmail account Sign up is very simple sign upand is absolutely free of charge.
You can send and receive mails from other email like yahoo mail,  hotmail, protonmail and so on.

Did You Know That You Need a Gmail Account for You Phone
Most smartphones comes with various Android Versions and a Gmail Account is need at least to enjoy maximum features of your phone. 
Receiving mails from Gmail Account is easy with your Gmail App on your phone when you sign in (Gmail Sign in).
Without wasting much of your time lets proceed on gmail.com account registration, registration procedures, and how to create one. 

How Do I open a Gmail Account? 

Below are the steps to open a free gmail account. 

How to Create Free google.com Gmail Account 

1. First, visit www.gmail.com official Registration page
You will be directed to gmail homepage either to sign in OR register a new gmail account. 

2. Register a free gmail account by filling the gmail registration form.

  • Enter your Name! { xclusivetek }
  • Fill in Username! { xclusivetek@gmail.com }
  • Enter your preferred password (the one you can remember, ensure your password is kept secret) 
  • Enter your Date of birth { month/day/year }
  • Select Gender {male or female or other}
  • Put your Mobile number { +44488394o43 }
  • Enter your Location or country { Uk or usa or canada or any country of your choice }

3. After inputting the details correctly, click on proceed.

4. A new page will be displayed which you will be asked to verify your account via your mobile number and click on continue button.
Input the verification code you received from google then click on continue to verify.
Viola!! You have successfully created a gmail account for free. To sign in gmail account,  simply visit gmail.com and input your email address and password. 

Learn Also

 Protonmail.com: How To Create a Proton Mail Account 

Yahoo Registration: Register,  Sign in Yahoomail.con

Getting a gmail new account has lots of benefits ranging from the fact that it's free,  generally acceptable in all websites,  can be used to access other benefits from Google such as creating a free blog from blogger.com, registering for Google Adsense, YouTube, google drive, google playstore and lots more.
If you are having issues creating a Gmail account, feel free to ask using the comment. 

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Tags: how To Create Gmail Account: Gmail Sign in Register gmail new account sign in, create new email account, create email address gmail, Sign in gmail


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