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HilltopAds Network: Review, Scam or Legit and Payouts| for sock rom go to rompure.com

Posted by Android Flash Firmware on Tuesday, November 14, 2017

HilltopAds Network: Is HilltopAds Scam or Legit?

Ad networks serves a means for bloggers or website owners to display advertisement and monetize from their site. Making Money can be easy If you know the right Ad Network to . Google Adsense is the one of the popular Ad network but what If you got banned from using Google Adsense or your website was not approved by Google Adsense, that doesn't stop you from monetizing your blog or website. If you have reasonable traffic in your blog daily, they turn those traffic to cash with HilltopAds Network. HilltopAds Network is a good alternative to Google Adsense ranging from various Ads Format from mobile popunder, mobile banner,in player ads and lots more

Why Choose HilltopAds as a Publisher?

Being a publisher, you want to turn your profit to revenue and with easy signup as a publisher. With various Ads Format you can enjoy maximum revenue. HilltopAds offers Adblocker ads features so you are not to b scared of your vsitors using Ad blocker browser.
Payouts are higher than anywhere else due to optimization of each site and selecting the best performing offers. No transaction fee for payouts and you can monetize your web and mobile traffic and get maximum profit from your traffic.

HilltopAds Ad Formats

Ad placement plays a vital role in your click through rate. Placing Ads at right place which will be visible to your viewers helps get the maximum CTR and it positively affects your earning.
Use the right ad format relevant to your site and which won't inconvenience your readers will produce maximum profit.  HilltopAds comes with various Ads Format for their publishers.
  • Desktop banners 300×250 – invideo, bottom banners
  • Mobile banners 300×250 –footer, header, middle
  • IM (Instant Messenger)
  • Mobile popunder
  • Desktop popunder
  • In-Player ads

Adblock Revenue Loss with Anti Ad Blocking Tools

Ad blockers can really help reduce your ads page views thereby reducing your earnings. These adblockers hide ads and allows visitors accessible your site content without viewing your ads or clicking on it. Not to worry,  HilltopAds comes with an Adblock Features that has the ability to display your ads when using adblockers. 

Why Choose HilltopAds as An Advertisers?

With various Ad format with more than 12,000,000 monthly impressions from various publishers,  you are sure of reaching your targeted audience. 
  • Ad Formats:  Mobile and Desktop pop-ups, Display banners, in-Video ads.
  • Offer Types: CPM, CPC, CPA, CPL,
  • Verticals: All (Gaming, Downloads, PinSubmits, Dating, SweepStakes, Video Streaming, File Hosting, Entertainment)
  • Network Size: An average of 12,000,000,000 global unique ads monthly

Advanced Targeting

HilltopAds contains different targeting skills and techniques to get unique and maximum leads per visits ratio. You can filter your audience globally based on location, device, searched keywords, browser, etc. and deliver your campaign to the selected ones.
A few more
  • Self service for advertisers
  • Own ad server solution
  • Integration with mobile tracking systems
  • CPM, CPA, CPC, CPO, PPI, CPL payment models

>> EngageYa.com Native Ads Review: Scam or Legit 

How To Sign-up For HilltopAds As a Publisher 

Signing up to Hilltop Ads as a publisher require any maximum traffic or specific blog niche. Easily signup for both as a publisher or advertisier and start making money or run a campaign respectively.
  • First, you have to visit HilltopAds Signup Page.
  • Fill out your details and hit on signup button.
  • You will get a confirmation email link to verify. Check your email and confirm,
  • As soon you finish, you will redirected to the dashboard where it asked to complete your profile details and payment info.
  • For publisher you need to click on “Manage site and Zone” from left menu and complete the publisher application form. Once you will submited then your details will be awaiting approval and someone will contact via Email or Messenger for further help.
  • In few hours, your account will be activated and you are ready to place ad codes.

Earn Extra Money From Referrals

Earn more with HilltopAds’ referral program which pays 5% commission of your publisher or advertiser money earned or spent.


How To Place Ads in The Middle of Blogger Post

HilltopAds Payment 

  • Payment Methods Available: PayPal, Wire, Paxum, e-Payservice, Webmoney, ePayments, Bitcoin.
  • Payment Terms: Net 7. Minimum Payout Threshold: $50

HilltopAds Review For Publishers


Without any reasonable doubt, HilltopAds is a legit As Network both publishers and advertisers. The superb adblock features allow maximum revenue with no transactions payout fee so you receive what you earned. 

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