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Guide | How to Flash TWRP Recovery Xiaomi Mi Max 2

Posted by Android Flash Firmware on Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Guide | How to Flash TWRP Recovery Xiaomi Mi Max 2.

Flash TWRP Mi Max 2. The following guide guidebelajar will explain to you how to flash a TWRP Recovery on Xiaomi Mi Max 2. TWRP or Team Win Recovery Project is one of the most popular recovery used by the Android phone user. TWRP is flashed over the stock recovery. Once TWRP successfully the user will get more options on their Android phones, such as flashing custom ROM's, kernel and script, and take a full system backup and restore it, make a root, etc.

There two types of TWRP recovery offered to flash on Android Xiaomi Mi Max 2. Both of its available download from a forum-XDA-developers website.

First, TWRP recovery by xuefer, this TWRP you can download from the following link.
  • Descriptions.
    • Built and tweaked for Mi Max 2 (oxygen) 
    • Decryption support added for /data 
    • Built using LineageOS 14.1 source.
    • Faster transfer using adb push
    • Extra fonts added
Second, TWRP recovery by iscle, this TWRP you can download from the following link.
  • Descriptions.
    • Based on Stock TWRP 3.1.1-0 with no modifications.
    • Ported from Redmi Note 4 (mido) 
    • English language as default 
    • You must flash dm-verity zip immediately after flashing this TWRP, else your Android phone will not boot.

How to Flashing TWRP Recovery.

  1. You must unlock bootloader your Xiaomi Mi Max 2 first before proceeding installing TWRP recovery.
  2. Then, install Minimal ADB + Fastboot drivers. See this guide how to install it.
  3. Download TWRP recovery from the available link above and copy this recovery to the folder where the ADB and fastboot installed.
    • for example C:\Program Files (x86)\Minimal ADB and Fastboot folder
  4. Then, download dm-verity disabler and copy the file to your Xiaomi Mi Max 2 phone.
  5. Power off your Xiaomi Mi Max 2, 
  6. Then, Power on again into fatsboot mode. How to boot Xiaomi Mi Max 2 to fastboot mode?
    • Press and Hold the Power + Volume Down at the same time.
  7. Once your phone enters fastboot mode, connect it to the computer.
  8. Back to your computer, and go to the folder where TWRP file is present. (Refers to step 3 above)
  9. Now, open a command prompt. (right click + hold the ctrl on keyboard)
  10. Now, type this command at the command prompt.
    • fastboot devices
  11. The result will return with your phone serial number.
  12. Then type;
    • fastboot flash recovery <recovery_name.img>
    • example ;
      • fastboot flash recovery twrp_3.1.1-0.img
  13. This command will execute TWRP to flashed on your Xiaomi Mi Max 2
  14. Once it completed, now type this command at the command prompt to boot your Xiaomi Mi Max 2 into TWRP
    • fastboot boot <recovery_name.img>
    • example;
      • fastboot boot  twrp_3.1.1-0.img.
  15. Now, disconnect your Xiaomi Mi Max 2 from the computer.

Setup The TWRP Recovery.

  1. Once your Xiaomi Mi Max 2 enter TWRP recovery, on the screen, swipe to allow modifications and select your language. then, uncheck "Keep system read-only"
  2. Then, Select Install and then choose the dm-verity disabler zip and swipe to start flash this zip file.
  3. Then, select Backup and check all partitions. 
  4. Swipe to backup. The backup file will be stored in "TWRP" folder.
  5. Now, select reboot to reboot your device.
  6. You will be asked if you want to disable the stock recovery. Swipe to disable.
  7. Now, your Xiaomi Mi Max 2 will boot into MIUI with TWRP installed.


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