please take the following steps to report it to us. It will save you time, as well as us.
-Download the Catalog app from the Play Store.
There is also a donate version which you can purchase to show appreciation.
-After downloading the Catalog app, go to the app settings, and change the log level to Debug.
-Clear all previous logs and take the exact steps to produce the error you are receiving.
-As soon as you receive the error (probably a force close), go straight into Catalog and stop the log recording.
-Copy and paste the entire log either to Pastebin or Pastebin
-Save the log, and copy and paste the link into the forum with a brief description of the error.
-You can also open trouble tickets on our website for bugs.
NOTE: For optimum operation of the ROM, it is recommended to carry the same firmware that provides its nightly CM. Flash before the last published nightly or zip with firmware. Make sure to use a recovery that flashes partition correctly.

- New Install:
- Download ROM
- Wipe system,data,cache,dalvik
- Flash Rom
- Flash Gapps
- Flash UKM to control kernel settings using Synapse app (optional)
- Flash Rom
- Reboot
- Based en CyanogenMod 13
- Android 6.0.1_r66
- Nuclear Settings
- Customizable status bar (clock position, date, network indicators, battery-style...)
- Gesture Anywhere
- Exclusive Nuclear Boot
- Switch from 1 column Setting to 2 column
- Switch To Hide SuperSu from Status Bar
- Qualcomm Assertive Display
- Lockscreen quick unlock
- Network traffic indicator
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