About Us:
Dirty Unicorns is a project that started out with no name. It was a project that was first based off AOKP back in the early days of Jelly Bean. In the early days -- it was just a one-man show on one device, the EVO 3D. Since then, many others have joined the project and it has grown exponentially.

We have seen a lot of talent contribute to this project of ours. Big or small, the focus was always on contributing to the community. That is ultimately why we do what we do. After Jelly Bean, we decided to move to a new base, OmniROM. While AOKP was fun, OmniROM proved to be an even more exciting base because it challenged us to see what we could do with a project that had different goals in mind. We learned a lot and gained contributors in the process. With Lollipop, we moved to an AOSP base with a lot of patches from CAF to make our older devices function as they should. We grew further with experience and learned a lot more along the way.
It has been an awesome learning experience and it's still not over! We are still learning, striving to grow each day, and continuing to move forward. Lastly, we DO NOT accept, nor ask, for donations. We do not believe in that. Everything that is necessary to keep this project going comes out of our own pocket. Gerrit, Jenkins, Web sites, Devices, etc. We will never ask for a dime. All that we do ask is that you have patience, search for answers prior to posting, read, and try to enjoy the process with us.
Version 10.5
- Lots of translations
- Update to Android-6.0.1_r62
- New DU logo for QS navbar/fling tile and keyboard
- Added revert recents in OmniSwitch
- Bring back basic group support
- Enable support for groups in External contacts accounts
- Sync citylist handling with upstream in DeskClock
- Fix crash when no storages are available
- Fix concurrent access to mStorages
- Disable all ListView and GridView selectors in OmniSwitch
- New DU logo everywhere
- Added ability to change location sensors mode in quick settings
- Added Solid bar sanity levels and Lavalamp anim speed
- Fix lock insanity with ActivityManager
- Fix and remember state with OmniSwitch's launcher mode
- Allow immersive options for Slim Recents
- Move LockClock up per request
- Fix notification panel can't hide in statusbar
- Enable camera hal v3 interface
- Disable cellular networks settings menu if airplane mode is enabled
- Set upper limit of 40 FPS on Pulse's renderer drawing
- Added Proximity wake on selected devices
- Fixed NPE in Messaging app
- Add tabs transitions effects in DirtyTweaks
- Add a blank footer to System app remover
- Add ability hide/show app launcher icon for OmniSwitch
- Make sure screenshot Qs and power menu icons match
- Fix volume timeout derp
- Get rid of ugly dialog in radio info
- Adjust padding between battery icon and text
- Add CPU info overlay
- Add backup services to the whitelist after the android-6.0.1_r54 merge
- Remove navigation bar option in Extended desktop settings conditionally
- Pulse 2.0 Advanced Audio/Visual Rendering
- Fix SmartBar alpha when pulse enabled and music paused from lockscreen
- Update DU Certified to v2.3
For a more detailed change log, check http://gerrit.dirtyunicorns.com/#/q/status:merged,n,z
Stable (10.4)- DU_ham_6.0.1_20160713-1502.v10.4-DIRTY-DEEDS.zip
Recommended GAPPS- http://opengapps.org/
Recommended GAPPS- http://opengapps.org/
ROM Flashing Guide With Video Proof
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