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Top 5 Websites To Learn How To Hack Like A Professional

Posted by Android Flash Firmware on Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Your intention for learning how to hack is completely your own. I do not judge. However, it should be noted that there are two forms of hacking – “white hat” and “black hat”.  White hat hackers call themselves “ethical hackers”, in that they find vulnerabilities simply to make systems and applications more secure for everyone. However, there’s a whole other community of hackers – the black hats – who find vulnerabilities only to exploit them as much as possible. Now that you know what sort of community you may be entering, let’s get on with the list of top sites where you can learn to hack.

1.Hacking Tutorial:
Infrequently, culminate English isn’t all that matters. Hacking Tutorial is a case of when the written work attitude of the writer doesn’t fundamentally liken to the nature of his or her specialized information. This is really the case over at Hacking Tutorial, where the writer offers articles like “Customer Side Attack Using Adobe PDF Escape EXE Social Engineering”, “Misusing MS11_003 Internet Explorer Vulnerability”, and “Hacking Using BeeF XSS Framework”.

2.EvilZone Hacking Forums
It is easily one of the largest forum communities that you’ll find on the subject of hacking. With over 13,042 members and over 50,000 posts (and counting), this community likely has the skills and knowledge to answer any programming question you could possibly have. Just be careful about coming across as a “noob” – these guys don’t handle newcomers with kid gloves, so be careful.

3.Hack A Day
You really have to give credit where credit is due when it comes to a particular niche like hacking – and Hack a Day definitely offers an amazing library of information for anyone looking for specific categories like cell phones, GPS or digital cameras. Over the years, Hack A Day has transformed the site into a fairly popular blog.More than any other site, this particular “hacking” site is very much hardware based, and they redefine the meaning of the word hacking by helping you learn how to hack up electronic devices like a Gameboy or a digital camera and completely modifying it, or building electronics for the sole purpose of hacking other commercial devices
4.Hack In The Box
Hack In The Box has really changed significantly through the years. It is rebranded as HITB, and the site is completely transformed into what looks like a WordPress-based platform. Still, today Hack In The Box remains focused on security and ethical hacking. However, it has obviously shifted gears at some point and changed to a more content-focused approach with a greater volume of news and fewer in-depth articles with detailed hacks.

5.Hack This Site
This site is for the beginners those who want to know what is hacking and how it is done.A Step by Step process learning can be achieved here.This Site is a free, safe and legal training ground for hackers to test and expand their hacking skills. More than just another hacker wargames site, we are a living, breathing community with many active projects in development, with a vast selection of hacking articles and a huge forum where users can discuss hacking, network security, and just about everything. Tune in to the hacker underground and get involved with the project.


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