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How to Backup, Share, Convert and Print SMS to PDF or CSV.

Posted by Android Flash Firmware on Saturday, July 8, 2017

How to Backup, Share, Convert and Print SMS to PDF or CSV.

Backup, Convert and Print SMS to PDF. Use this App to backup your SMS and then convert and print your message to PDF or CSV format. This App named with SMS Share 2-Convert Export, Share & Print PDF, CSV. Basically your phone can't backup the message automatically. You must need a third party app to backup and restore the SMS periodically. Of course it will take more times to do it. Now, by installing this app you can backup and print the message in 3 easy steps. First, browse your message thorough your conversations. Second, Select the messages to share (it could be SMS or MMS). Third, Customize your message before sharing it. 

There are multiple sharing methods to share your SMS message with SMS Share 2-Convert Export, Share & Print PDF, CSV App. 
  1. Share SMS to PDF file, use this method for best printing. You can open this file with foxit reader or Adobe reader. This App will automatically create a beautiful designed PDF files with graphics and text.
  2. Share the message to Photos, use this method for best sharing with your friends. it will convert to JPG file.
  3. Share the SMS to CSV file, use this method to opens a message with Excel or Google Sheets, this method is best for data manipulations.
  4. Share the message to Plain Text, this method will convert your message to text only. This method supported by most applications.
Choose the best method you want to share your SMS message. Once your SMS message successfully converted now you can send it to everyone. Or print your SMS or MMS message. You can transfer the file to your computer and directly print it with your own printer. Or you can download an app that directly prints from the phone. 

SMS Share 2-Convert Export, Share & Print PDF, CSV App is fully customizable, it will allow you to tweak, color and customize the conversations so you will get the best results.

If you interested with this App and want to backup, share, convert and print your SMS message to PDF, JPG, or CSV, just visit the following link to download from Google Play Store.

Download SMS Share 2-Convert Export, Share & Print PDF, CSV. Here
backup, convert SMS to PDF, CSV, JPG
backup, convert SMS to PDF, CSV, JPG



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