MysticOS v2
- Material themed
- Android L bootanimation
- Mystic os bootlogo
- Android L themed framework
- Android L platlogo with Lland game
- Android L notification panel
- Android L recent
- Android L themed status bar
- Animated flight mode, silent n vibrate mode, adb, alarm, missed call, usb mode in status bar (special thanks to Gurpreet Singh)
- Uploading and downloading animations
- L list selectors
- L dialog with ripples
- Animated Clear all in recent
- Animated settings in panel
- Dynamic status bar
- Battery bar
- Shake to clear Ram
- Delete option after taking ss
- Battery styles
- Network traffic
- Fab in messaging and calendar
- Nova material default launcher
- Almost all system apps themed (see screenshots)
- Integrated PacPerformance, engineer mode, custom ringtone, mystic walls, viper4android, font chooser, heads up notifications in settings
- Build prop modder option (use it carefully )
- Added Listview animations
- Partition info in about MysticOS
- Auto starts n smart gesture in mystic fibres with advanced, developers options n about MysticOS
- Changelogs, rom name, developer name, thanks to in about Mystic OS
- Cm12.1 app icons
- Google play music as default
- Calculator app from cm12.1
- Themed contacts, dialer, messaging, documents ui,desk clock n all other apps like lollipop
- I forgot to say about performance n battery backup it is smooth as butter n battery backup is just awesome.
- Added arkaynine boost script
- Removed all the bloatwares
- Init.d support added
- Some build prop tweaks added
- Zipign n busybox preinstalled
- That's all i remember now.. For more see changelogs or find out urself
- One more thing, i'll be creating themes for it (it doesn't contain any theme engine but that will be flashable zips)
- Everyone can create themes
MysticOS v.2
- Fixed navigation bar proxy
- New bootlogo.
- New bootanimation.
- Changed fonts.
- Awesome swipe animations in panel.
- Gramophone as default music player.
- Added Es File Explorer.
- Integrated Kernel Adiutor, Xtreme Booster in settings.
- New package installer.
- Added official ports, downloads themes in About MysticOS.
- Expandable volume panel.
- Chameleon os network traffic and speed meter as well.
- Custom carrier label in advanced option.
- Lcd density changer in advanced option.
- Changed switches in mediatek res.
- Fixed wifi icons in settings (Xhdpi).
- Fixed apn bug.
- Changed L platlogo.
- New Lland game.
- Changed albumset bg color in gallery to match with action bar.
- All options of battery bar working.
- Dyanamic navigation bar working.
- Enabled navigation bar.
- Ram progress bar
- OTG Support.
- More find out urself...
Bugs :Insha Allah No Bugs
Flashing Instructions: You must be on Row Base Download the zip from below link put in root of sd card Go to recovery Clear dataWipe cacheWipe dalvik cache Install the zip from sd card Done you hav succesfully flashed Comfort Rom Reboot
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