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SuperSU Binary Update Failed on a Rooted Android Device Fix and Resolve

Posted by Android Flash Firmware on Tuesday, January 24, 2017

These are just some hints on how to resolved issues while you’ve encountered  ‘SuperSU Binary Update Failed error’  if you have had to update to the latest version.  This has been seen happening to those who freshly installed the CF-Root or CF-Auto-Root while rooting the Samsung Galaxy S4 or even on other devices, as long as it has the older version of SuperSU. When the SuperSU apps are installed on your device, it will automatically prompt you to download the newest version if there is a recent update available from Play Store.
Suddenly, once you perform the update you’ll get stuck and it says ‘SuperSU Installation Failed’, this error somehow occurs it’s because the newly installed version will not tend to work properly in overwriting the binaries, you can’t even open the SuperSU apps and this also causes trouble with your root applications. Below are methods that may work on your Android device.
Replace the old SuperSU and get the updated version, according to [Chainfire]- developer of SuperSU:
Superuser access management runs through a so called “su binary”. There can be only one of these at a time. So if you install SuperSU, your previous superuser access management solution will no longer operate. So if you want to switch back: (1) Open that application, and search for an option for it to install/update/replace the “su binary”. (2) Confirm root-using apps are using the superuser solution you want. (3) Uninstall SuperSU
Here’s a workaround that might work for you.
1)  Tap in ‘Settings’  and then search for an option for it to install/update/replace the “su binary”
2) Confirm root- using apps are using the superuser solution you want.
3) Uninstall SuperSU.
4) Now install the recent  SuperSU update, heading over to  Play Store is the easiest way if you already have root/
5) If you have installed CMW/TWRP custom recovery, grab the latest SuperSU in a flashable zip file at XDA.
Another method is by using apps called ‘Busybox installer’ from Play Store, this app will diagnose some error and check any updates from phone automatically. I have been tested this app before and it has worked, but I am not sure if this will still work on latest SuperSU updates.


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