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How to Solve Blank Page or The Site Can't Reached When Download LG Firmware.

Posted by Android Flash Firmware on Tuesday, January 3, 2017

How to Solve Blank Page or The Site Can't Reached When Download LG Firmware.

Solve Blank Page When Download LG Firmware. If you want to flash your LG device return to stock or unbrick it, you need a firmware or Stock ROM for this LG device model. We know that everyone can download the firmware via internet browser directly connect to LG server. We just provide IMEI number printed on back cover of LG device. Or you can call this IMEI number by dial *#06*. In the past the firmware possible to download directly from your browser, but now LG has made any changes to their servers, and now the user can't download the firmware directly from their browser. 

Some problem when download LG firmware from your browser is ;
  1. The browser show blank page.
  2. The browser says This site can’t be reached.
So, how to solve this issue? Now let me find the solutions.

1. Make sure you have read the right procedure about how to download KDZ Firmware File for All LG device via the browser. You can learn how to do it here.
2. Once you have KDZ firmware download link as shown in the picture below. Paste it at browser address.
download LG firmware
download LG firmware
3. So, this is the URL you need to download  is shown at picture above, marked with a red box
4. If you got the problem as mentioned above you can try one of this method below,

Method 1.

  1. Open the browser (use Google Chrome)
  2. Add User-Agent Switcher plugin to the browser.
  3. Then Setup LGE-ActiveDP/0.9 as your browser’s User Agent
  4. Now repeat to download LG Firmware again.

Method 2.

1. Use XDM download manager to download firmware,
2. Then download xdm6setup.msi.
3. Install XDM download manager to your computer, then run it
4. Then copy LG firmware download URL, to the XDM download manager. for example.
5. Now, XDM download manager has a new job to download the LG firmware via URL.
6. Just, see and wait for the XDM download manager progress bar until it finishes.


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