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How to fix Unknown IMEI Number on a Mediatek(MTK) Android phone running on Android 6 (Marshmallow)

Posted by Android Flash Firmware on Sunday, January 29, 2017

How to fix Unknown IMEI Number on a Mediatek(MTK) Android phone running on Android 6 (Marshmallow) And Older Android Versions

Did you notice that your MTK(Mediatek) smartphone is displaying no bars at the network area, but, the sims and network names are showing? Well, the problem is actually a missing, unknown or corrupt NVRAM which actually contains your imei numbers. So thats why you are seeing a Null /Unknown IMEI.

This problem often occurs after flashing or formating your Mediatek phone via sp flashtool. Sometimes it could (on rare occasions) occur randomly or when you format the emmc via factory mode.(Volume down + power button)

Well, you could change your imei using Mtk droidtools, Mobileuncle, or MPOB method. Here is a link for the above methods…
How to Fix Your Mtk Imei errors.

Unfortunately, Some Android 6 (Marshmallow) users have complained that some of the methods there didn’t work for them. Hopefully, there is still another way.

How do I fix Null, Unknown or Invalid IMEI on an MTK Android phone running on Android 6 (Marshmallow)?


1. Root the phone. Try Latest version of Kingroot or Iroot on a windows pc or any working rooting method.

Change Infinix hot 2 Android 6.0 imei

3. You should now be in the home screen. 

Infinix hot 2 imei change

4. Input the correct IMEI Numbers (on the back of the phone after taking out the battery) and click Apply New IMEIs.

5. Once prompted to confirm changing of IMEI, tap Change

Chamelephon infinix hot 2 imei change

6. Reboot the phone.

Warning! Changing your original Imei number to something else is illegal. Please do it at  owners risk.


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