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Top 15 Best Operating Systems (OS) For Hackers

Posted by Android Flash Firmware on Friday, November 18, 2016

Hello guys today we are discussing operating systems which have great penetration testing or ethical hacking tools.In the cyber world, there are lots of hacking attacks that occur daily and they are done by some of the professional hackers and by some of the beginners that use someone’s else codes and ideas to hack. But the basic thing that every hacker need is the hacking operating system.If you are really interested in Hacking, You need to be know which Operating systems are used Hackers.
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We are discussing here the top 15 Operating System with their little bit descriptions, you can checkout them and can download one that you think the best fit with your work. So have a look on these Operating System below.

List Of Operating System

1. Kali Linux

Kali Linux is a Debian-derived Linux distribution designed for digital forensics and penetration testing. It is maintained and funded by Offensive Security Ltd. Mati Aharoni and Devon Kearns of Offensive Security developed it by rewriting BackTrackKali Linux is the most versatile and advanced penetration testing distro. Kali updates its tools and it is available for many different platforms like VMware and ARM. Penetration testing involves using a variety of tools and techniques to test the limits of security policies and procedures. What Kali has done is collect just about everything you’ll need in a single CD. It includes more than 300 different tools, all of which are open-source and available on GitHub

2. BackBox

BackBox is a Linux distribution based on Ubuntu. It has been developed to perform penetration tests and security assessments. Designed to be fast, easy to use and provide a minimal yet complete desktop environment, thanks to its own software repositories, always being updated to the latest stable version of the most used and best known ethical hacking tools.

It includes some of the most used security and analysis Linux tools, aiming to a wide spread of goals, ranging from web application analysis to network analysis, from stress tests to sniffing, including also vulnerability assessment, computer forensic analysis, and exploitation.

3. Pentoo

Pentoo is one of the best Operating System for hackers that is just in the form of Live CD. In this, you just have to create a bootable USB of this Operating System and then simply boot in your PC and no require to install just run on your PC and do hacking attacks. Pentoo is also available as an overlay for an existing Gentoo installation. It features packet injection patched wifi drivers, GPGPU cracking software, and lots of tools for penetration testing and security assessment.

4. Parrot-sec forensic Operating System

Parrot Security is an operating system based on Debian GNU/Linux mixed with Frozen box OS and Kali Linux in order to provide the best penetration and security testing experience. it is an operating system for IT security and penetration testing developed by the Frozen box Dev Team. It is a GNU/Linux distribution based on Debian and mixed with Kali. 

Parrot uses Kali repositories in order to take latest updates for almost all the tools, but it also has its own dedicated repository where all the custom packets are kept. This is why this distro is not just a simple Kali “mod” but an entirely new concept which relies on Kali’s tool repositories. As such, it introduces a lot of new features and different developing choices.Parrot uses MATE as a Desktop Environment. A lightweight and powerful interface is derived from famous Gnome 2, and thanks to FrozenBox highly customizable with captivating icons, ad-hoc themes, and wallpapers. System look is proposed and designed by the community members and also members of Frozen box Network, who are closely following the development of this project.

Best Operating System For Hackers 2016

DEFT is Ubuntu customization with a collection of computer forensic programs and documents created by thousands of individuals, teams, and companies. Each of these works might come under a different license. There Licence Policy describe the process that we follow in determining which software we will ship and by default on the deft install CD.

6.Live Hacking Operating System

As I am said before Live Hacking OS is also based on Linux which has the big package of hacking tools useful for ethical hacking or penetration testing. It includes the graphical user interface GNOME inbuilt. There is a second variation available which has command line only, and it requires very fewer hardware requirements

7.Network Security Toolkit (NST)
Best Operating System For Hackers 2016

Network Security Toolkit is best OS for the security tester is this which comes in the form of Live CD and you can directly boot on your computer and you can easily run this OS on your PC and do various hacks on your PC.

Best Operating System For Hackers 2016

Bugtraq is an electronic mailing list dedicated to issues about computer security. On-topic issues are new discussions about vulnerabilities, vendor security-related announcements, methods of exploitation, and how to fix them. It is a high-volume mailing list, and almost all new vulnerabilities are discussed there.
Bugtraq team is experienced freaks and developers, It is available in DebianUbuntu, and OpenSUSE in 32 and 64-bit architectures.

Best Operating System For Hackers 2016

Nodezero another good operating system that every pentester would love to try out on their PC. This OS is being developed after great necessity of many things that were not present in another Linux based OS.

 NodeZero Linux can be used as a “Live System” for occasional testing, its real strength comes from the understanding that a tester requires a strong and efficient system. This is achieved in our belief by working at a distribution that is a permanent installation, that benefits from a strong selection of tools, integrated with a stable Linux environment.

10. Samurai Web Security Framework
Best Operating System For Hackers 2016

The Samurai Web Testing Framework is a live Linux environment that has been pre-configured to function as a web pen-testing environment. The CD contains the best of the open source and free tools that focus on testing and attacking websites. In developing this environment, we have based our tool selection on the tools we use in our security practice. We have included the tools used in all four steps of a web pen-test.

11. GnackTrack
Best Operating System For Hackers 2016

GnackTrack is an open and free project to merge penetration testing tools and the Linux Gnome desktop. GnackTrack is a Live (and installable) Linux distribution designed for Penetration Testing and is based on Ubuntu.

Backtrack is not only a single player in the field of ethical hacking, so you can try some other distribution as well, if you are Gnome lover than must try this, however, backtrack 5 is also available on Gnome platform. Just like backtrack, Gnacktrack comes with multiple tools that are really helpful to do an effective penetration testing, it has Metasploit,Armitage, wa3f and others wonderful tools

12. Blackbuntu
Best Operating System For Hackers 2016

Blackbuntu is distribution for penetration testing which was specially designed for security training students and practitioners of information security. Blackbuntu is penetration testing distribution with GNOME Desktop Environment. It's currently being built using the Ubuntu 10.10 and work on reference Back|Track.

13. Arch Linux
Best Operating System For Hackers 2016

Arch Linux is a Linux distribution for computers based on IA-32 and x86-64architectures. It is composed predominantly of free and open-source software, and supports community involvement.

14. Knoppix STD
Best Operating System For Hackers 2016

Knoppix STD (Security Tools Distribution) is a Live CD Linux distribution based on Knoppix that focused on computer security tools. It included GPL licensed tools in the following categories: authentication, password cracking, encryption, forensics, firewalls, honeypots, intrusion detection system, network utilities, penetration, packet sniffers, assemblers, vulnerability assessment and wireless networking. Knoppix STD version 0.1 was published January 24, 2004, on Knoppix 3.2. Thereafter, the project stagnated, lacking updated drivers and packages. A release date for version 0.2 has not yet been announced. A list of tools is available on the official website.

15. Cyborg Hawk
Best Operating System For Hackers 2016

Cyborg Hawk is the most advanced, powerful and yet beautiful penetration testing distribution ever created. Lined up with ultimate collection of tools for pro Ethical Hackers and Cyber Security Experts. It has 700 + tools while Kali have 300+ and also dedicated tools for and menu for mobile security and malware analysis . Also it is easy to compare it with Kali as to make a better Operating System than Kali we have to outperform it. It is a new operating system based on Ubuntu linux, i am not tested this Operating System that is why i placed it in the last of this list.

So all of above is related to Best Operating system for hackers.Hope you like this. if you have any query then comment below.


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