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How To Convert a YouTube Video into Animated Gif

Posted by Android Flash Firmware on Saturday, November 5, 2016

YouTube is world’s largest video sharing platform. Billions of videos are watched every day on this Google service. Sometimes we need to convert such a video into an animated gif image. There are benefits of doing so. You can easily embed a gif in a web page or an MS Word document. gif's.com provides a brilliant service that automatically converts a YouTube video into a gif. All you need to do is to provide the YouTube URL.
For example, the following YouTube URL hosts an interview of Lalit Kumar:
To convert this video into an animated GIF, you should add gif before youtube in the URL. So, the same URL will become:
That’s all! the modified link will take you to the gifs.com and you will see the video getting converted into animated gif.

Shortcut Key for Address Bar

If you want to type or paste a new URL in the address bar, you would need to drag your mouse and select the current URL to delete it. Only then you can begin typing the new URL. However, there is another much quicker and neater way to access the address bar. A shortcut key combination!
Press Ctrl+L or F6 to access address of your browser.

Unlock Your Car From a Distance

When you’re far away from your car, your central locking remote control will not work. If you’ve parked your car in a space where there are thousands of cars, it is sometimes difficult to locate your own car. However, if you could unlock your car from a distance, it would make the car quest easier as the car will beep upon unlocking.
Did you know that you can actually do this by the power of your brain? See this video and learn!


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