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How to Install Remix OS To Use Android on Your PC

Posted by Android Flash Firmware on Tuesday, September 6, 2016

How to Install Remix OS To Use Android on Your PC

How to Install Remix OS To Use Android on PC

The popularity of Android, there is always a new Android smartphone that comes offers a variety of new features. Not just smartphones, new applications continue to emerge to facilitate any Android user. Unfortunately, little PCs that use the Android operating system.

You can just try the experience of using Android on PC with the help of an emulator like Bluestacks, but the weight is fixed. Well, this time Jeff will share how to use Android on a PC without the emulator. Want?

Remix OS, a New Way to Use Android on PC

Have you ever thought to use Android as the primary operating system on your PC? Could have bought Chromebooks, but it is costly. Well, mending cobain Remix OS installed on your PC. Remix Android OS is an operating system that is optimized to provide ease of use in the PC, so it is completely integrated with the mouse and keyboard installed on your PC. It looks even a bit like Windows 10, it's just that this is the Android operating system. Want?

How to Install Remix OS To Use Android on Your PC

How to Install Remix OS on PC

To be able to use Remix OS, there are some things you should know and what you need. While these Remix OS can only be used as the operating system can be installed via USB, not the operating system that can be directly installed in the Disk. So when USB is revoked, the Remix OS will disappear.

As required in order to install Remix OS is:

1. File Remix OS for PCs. Remix OS for PC you can download it directly from the official website Jidehere.

2. USB 3.0 with a minimum capacity of 8 GB. Please note, you must use a USB 3.0 yes. Because Remix OS requires a USB which has a speed of at least 20Mb / s. As a result when Jaka using USB 2.0, the result is stuck in the flash screen Remix OS.

3. PC with an x86  (since Remix OS is a variant of Android x86).

4. The ability of the PC to boot from USB.

When all is ready, the next step that you need is to create a bootable USB that contains Remix OS. The trick is as follows:

5. Plug USB 3.0 have you prepared earlier to the PC, and then extract the folder Remix OS you've previously downloaded.

How to Install Remix OS To Use Android on Your PC

6. Run the file RemixOS USB Tool.exe, then the ISO tab RemixOS.iso please locate the file that you extracted earlier.

How to Install Remix OS To Use Android on Your PC

7. Furthermore, in the USB Disk tab, please select the directory to which you connect the USB 3.0 earlier. Then click OK.

How to Install Remix OS To Use Android on Your PC

The process of making a bootable USB takes a few moments. Wait until the process is complete. Once completed, you can directly use it to install the USB bootable Remix OS on your PC.

How do I install Remix bootable OS on a PC? If you have a PC capable of booting from USB, you just connect it to the USB bootable PC, then reboot and select to boot from USB. How can the entry via BIOS or by pressing the Del key + F2 during boot, this depends on the type of PC you use.

How to Install Remix OS To Use Android on Your PC

As a result, you will be faced with two choices. What will boot in Guest Mode or Resident Mode. If the entry Guest Mode, all the Android apps that are installed will be lost when you remove its USB bootable. Whereas if you choose the Resident Mode, all applications and data will be stored in the USB, and can be used in the future.

How to Install Remix OS To Use Android on Your PC

How, what you're interested in trying Remix OS on a PC? Good luck!


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