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how to transfer Mobile balance in all network

Posted by Android Flash Firmware on Wednesday, August 31, 2016


How To Transfer Balance from Airtel to Airtel

  1. Open your phone dialer and Just Dial *141#
  2. A Menu will pop-up on your Mobile phone like this.
  3. 1) Share Talk time. ...
  4. Select “Share Talk Time” which is the 1st option available in the menu.
  5. Enter “1” to “Share talk time”, and press the “Send” button.

How To Transfer Balance from Idea to Idea

  1. Open Phone Dialer.
  2. Dial *151* local idea number to which you are transferring amount*Amount you are transfering#

How to Transfer Balance from Vodafone to Vodafone

  1. Open Phone Dialer.
  2. Dial *131* Amount*<Mobile Number>#

how transfer balance reliance to reliance

  1. Dial *367*3#
  2. Enter *312*3# and mobile number.
  3. Enter balance amount.
  4. Enter PIN. Default PIN is 1.
  5. You're done.

To transfer balance from Tata Docomo to Tata Docomo

  1. You have to send a message to transfer your balance from Tata Docomo to Tata Docomo mobile number.
  2. Open your Messaging and type BT<space>Mobile Number.
  3. And send it to 54321.
  4. And Rs.5 will be transferred.

How transfer balance Aircel to Aircel

  1. Please dial *121*666#
  2. then follow the instructions. Balance transfer is available only for Aircel prepaid customers. Count and Value limits on Balance transfer apply on transactions, at discretion of Aircel.

How to Transfer Balance from BSNL to BSNL

  1. Minimum Balance Should be: Rs. 200/- in your phone.
  2. Transfer amount should not be less than Rs 10.
  3. Transfer can be send in same circle like AP to AP, Kerala to Kerala, Punjab to Punjab, Haryana to Haryana, etc.
  4. There should be at least Rs.


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