If you're a Pokemon Trainer and wanted to become a Pokemon Master? Currently being diligent search for Pikachu and friends huh ?. In this article there will be little tips on how to start and walkthrough game Pokemon Go.
You could say this time Pokemon GO is one of the best games for mobile Argumented Reality. With the amalgamation of two companies namely Niantic game and of course packaging Nintento this game will be more exciting with the combination of virtual reality and humorous characters on Pokemen.
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Starting a Game
When starting the game, you will choose the date of birth. Afterwards, You can go into the game with a Google account or with the Pokémon Trainer Club. If you choose to Pokemon Trainer Club, more complicated anyway because it should put the data to register.
Since keeping Upload, then GO Pokemon games played online shall not be offline. To save game progress right from your Google account or Pokemon Trainer Club so no need to worry.
Choosing Character
If you are logged in, select the character. Here can choose the gender of characters and perform customization ranging from color to shape costumes. If you're ready, there will be three Pokemon. They are Squirtle (Water-type Pokemon), Bulbasaur (Grass and Poison-type Pokémon) and Charmander (type Pokémon Fire) in your location, select one of the Pokemon and catching in a way to swipe the ball Pokemon (pokeball).
Pokestop and Gym
Pokeball can be obtained on the location of Pokestop. Gym and Pokestop same as in Game Ingress portal which is a common location such as a place of worship, statues, sculptures, and more. Sometimes also you can get another item of Pokestop. Often to the Pokestop will speed up leveling as well as getting XP.
Incubated Egg Pokemon
Catch Pokemon surrounding area, you also can incubate eggs Pokemon with the help of incubators. To incubate the eggs, the necessary run in accordance with the pokemon egg detail. Do not try to climb the vehicle, yes, because this game is made for walking. If you try to vehicle speed and distance to incubate progress will not run.
Levelling and Selecting team (Valor, Mystic, intinct)
If you've reached level 5, you can select a team. There are 3 teams that teams Mystic (blue), Team Valor (red) and the team Instinct (yellow). At this level also after selecting the team, you can go to the gym to do a Pokemon fights with other Trainner.
Then select which team? Red, blue or yellow? Surely this is the piihan you own. Just a suggestion, choose a team where you have playmates with the same team, select the team according to the location where the team meminpin or select a team with community / social groups follow. Because one of the stronger teams later factor is communication between the team followed to survive and occupy gym opponent.
Choosing the Pokemon GO Team is currently no additional effect is felt. As additional stats, items, boost or anything special.
Capture to help Razz Berry
Upon reaching level 8, you can get new items such as Razz Berry. This fruit can help Pokemon arrested for easier entry into Pokeball. The higher the level, the more difficult and requires a new skill to throw a Pokeball. Sometimes the coveted Pokemon can fight or fend pokeball thrown. And the wind conditions determine also the position Pokeball thrown, so clever was tossed Pokeball.
Turn off the function of AR
Well a few tips to make it easier to catch Pokemon memattikan round by AR function. Although only displays an animated display, by turning off the Pokemon AR GO is making steady game and throw Pokeball better targeted.
Not to mention if using AR, pokemon Pokemon-like Pidge can fly and twitching. If the power off, Pokemon will live on screen location. On a device with specifications satndar, if excess memory and active AR camera only result is a dark black or the game will freeze.
Power Up and Evolve Pokemon
To see the collection of Pokemon obtained no logo Pokemon ball that is in the middle position. Then select the menu Pokemon that are dikiri. If there is the same Pokemon, select CP (Combat Power) lower for transfers to processors.
If it has been transferred, you will receive the item Candy Pokemon. Use the Candy to evolve into a more powerful Pokemon or use Candy to add CP (Combat Power).
Additional information
> Wild Pokemon of the same type can have different CP. For example, Wild Squirtle in one place has 147 CP while Wild Squirtle that you find in other places has 56 CP.
> The higher the level Trainer, the greater the chance to find a Pokemon with high CP.
> Pokemon Trainer owned by high level has a CP is greater than with Trainer at a lower level.
> If the level rises, CP each Pokemon that have to be increased.
> When Battle, Pokemon with higher CP has a better chance of winning than the Pokemon that has a low CP (other than Type factors).
> Pokemon bred through evolution has CP larger than the Wild Pokemon of the same type.
> When you visit a gym, CP from last Pokemon can be seen before deciding to strike.
Well that little tips and tricks of the game Pokemon GO. If you have tips and tricks please help by commenting dikolom already provided. Do not forget to share this article! Thanks. Gotta Catch'em All!
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