Guide How to Flash Stock ROM on Android LG Smartphone Using LG UP.
Flash Firmware LG with LG UP. There are many methods to flash stock ROM on Android LG smartphone device. You can flash your LG device using LG Flash tool or using LG UP. And now, on this guide, we will show you how to flash your LG smartphone using LG UP. This is a new official tool from LG, you can use this tool to flash kdz/tot/bin firmware or stock ROM. Kdz firmware is a file used to upgrade or downgrade LG smartphone device, also you can use this LG UP tool to unbrick a soft bricked Android LG device. Flashing firmware/stock ROM on Android device as well as install a new computer operating system.
- Make sure your device is Android LG smartphone.
- Download the latest LG USB Driver from here.
- For Verizon device, you can download this driver here
- Download the latest LG UP software from here.
- Download LG UP DLL file from here. looking for the best DLL file that supports your device only.
- Download Stock ROM | Firmware (Kdz/dz/tot/files) that support with your device.
Flashing Guide.
- Once all file successfully downloads, now install it one by one.
- Install USB Driver
- Install the latest LG UP software (this software run on most Windows operating system versions)
- Install LG DLL file that supports with your LG smartphone.
- Once all file successfully installed on your computer, Then put your LG Smartphone into download mode, you can manually do it by ;
- Turn Off your LG Smartphone device.
- Then press and hold Volume UP button while connecting your LG Smartphone to the computer using USB cable.
- Then run LG UP software.
- Wait a moment until LG UP detect and recognize your LG smartphone. This will install a necessary USB Drivers for your device.
- Now, your LG UP should show up on your computer screen.
LG UP - new official lg flash tool - From LG UP screen above, go to process tab and select Upgrade. (1)
- Then click on BIN file under file type.
Flash LG Stock ROM using LG UP - Then click the button on the right side of bin file shown on the picture below.
Flash LG Stock ROM using LG UP - This action will browse your kdz/tot file you just download.
- Once your kdz/tot file already in the LG UP software, now click Start.
Flash LG Stock ROM using LG UP - Now, LG UP will start flashing process, this is indicated on the progress bar.
Flash LG Stock ROM using LG UP - Just wait until the step on progress bar shows 100% complete.
- Once the flashing process completed, Unplug your Android LG smartphone device from the computer.
- Then reboot
- Finish.
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