You wait for the latest Nexus devices with Android Nougat? Well, this time the leak first came out with the latest Android device is the Google Nexus Launcher. This launcher application launcher will be standard on Nexus devices.
Reporting from XDA, a member named BeansTown106 who first leaked this latest application. Through this screenshot we can see the view ciampik and features the latest in Google's Nexus Launcher application.
To download the Google Nexus Launcher and how they can be obtained mengisntallnya scroll down.
Download and Install Google Nexus Launcher
To install this application, it is advisable to use costum recovery like CWM, TWRP, Philz and the like.
Install the custom recovery
√ First download the file Google Nexus Launcher Here. If you experience problems downloading Google Chrome on Android, we can find a solution Here.
√ Copy the file to your device's SD Card (if downloading via PC).
√ Now boot into custom recovery you use.
√ On the menu select the option wipe Wipe Dalvik cache. Further back main window.
√ Select the option "Install zip from SD Card".
√ Select the .zip file that was downloaded.
√ Select the file and do flash.
√ Confirm flashing the .zip file.
√ Wait until the flashing is complete.
√ Reboot your device
Install the APK
√ First download the file Google Nexus Launcher Here. If you experience problems downloading Google Chrome on Android, you can find a solution Here.
√ Extract the .zip file.
√ Priv-app folder to copy the apk file available. Then copy the apk file to your device.
√ Now check the menu "Unknow Source" in settings> security of your device.
√ Via file explorer select the apk file for the Install.
√ Wait for the install apk Google Nexus Launcher completed.
√ Through applications such as Titanium Backup root, Link2SD and the like. Make the file to the application system.
√ Reboot the device.
Note: It is recommended to install the Google Nexus Launcher with a custom recovery, because if installing as usual apk possible applications such as Google Now feature will not be used / not running properly.
You have installed Google Nexus Launcher? What’s your opinion ?
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