Mokee Rom for MT6592
Android Lollipop Rom for MT6592
Android 5.1.1 Rom
Android 5.1.1 Rom
Rom Info:
Rom Name: Mokee [OpenSource Project]
Chipset: MT6592
Android Version: 5.1.x
Kernel: 3.4.x
Custom carrier name
Listview Animation
IP Dialling
Custom Screen off animation
Power saver option
Lock screen notification
CM 11 theme engine
Bug free Rom
and Many more..
Required Recovery: Philz Recovery 6.59.x
Always take backup your current rom before flash
Need to port for your device before flash
Download Mokee Rom for MT6592
Credit and Thanks
Rohan Taneja
Pawan Diyal
Flash process:
Reboot to Recovery Mode >
Wipe data/factory reset
Wipe cache partition
1. Format data
2. Format system
3. Format cache
4. Wipe dalvik cache
Install zip from sdcard > Choose zip from sdcard
Select Rom zip file.
N.B. : All the Things do at your won Risk. I will not be responsible for any kind of Brick/Damage of your phone.
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