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Guide to Flash Microsoft Lumia Smartphone.

Posted by Android Flash Firmware on Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Guide to Flash Microsoft Lumia Smartphone.

Flash Microsoft Lumia. On this guide guidebelajar will show you how to Flash Nokia Microsoft Lumia Smartphone. On this guide we use the Thor2.exe file developed by Microsoft. To follow all step on this guide you must read carefully, to avoid unwanted stuff on your Nokia Microsoft Lumia. Using Thor2.exe file may cause your Lumia software error and damage. You must take your action by your own risk, and guidebelajar does not responsibility for damage on Lumia smartphone device. Before you proceed to flash Microsoft Lumia Smartphone, make sure you do a little thing on this Lumia device.


  1. This guide is recommended for the people whose live at the European Union. 
  2. You will lose the legal warranty of your Lumia device after folow this guide.
  3. Make sure to remove SIM card, Micro SD card (if available) on Microsoft Lumia Smartphone during flashing process.
  4. Make sure you have a full charged battery, or at least you have 80% of battery capacity on Microsoft Lumia Smartphone, to avoid Lumia device shutdown. 
  5. You must Backup all data stored on this Microsoft Lumia Smartphone, Flashing or ROM replacement would delete or wipe all data stored on internal phone memory. you can visit this site 
    to backup all your user content.
  6. Read all step on this guide correctly.
Special thanks for this guide to ;
  • @DilanChd 
  • http://forum.xda-developers.com/member.php?u=4687247
  • Tutorial | Lumia devices flashing 
  • http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2515453

Prerequisites To Flash Lumia.

  1. To proceed this guide you must have a computer with Microsoft Windows OS. such as;
    • Microsoft Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit), 
    • Microsoft Windows 8 (32-bit or 64-bit), 
    • Microsoft Windows 8.1 (32-bit or 64-bit) or 
    • Microsoft Windows 10 (32-bit or 64-bit)
  2. A Lumia device with Microsoft Windows Phone OS, such as ;
    • Microsoft Windows Phone 8, 
    • Microsoft Windows Phone 8.1 or 
    • Microsoft Windows 10 Mobile.
  3. Original USB cable or a compatible USB cable to connect your Lumia device to the computer.
  4. At least 10 GB free space on your windows computer.

Guide to Flash Microsoft Lumia Smartphone.

  1. To start proceed this guide, you must download  the WindowsDeviceRecoveryTool3.2.29.exe 
    or Here
  2. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ux2xr856q8rciok/WindowsDeviceRecoveryTool3.2.29.exe?dl=0
  3. Save it on Download folder for easy access.
  4. Now Install Windows Device Recovery Tool software
    • Run and execute the WindowsDeviceRecoveryTool3.2.29.exe file previously downloaded.
    • Now, installation windows appear on screen, just click Install.
    • Then the User Account Control windows appears. click Yes (this action will close this window)
    • Now, Return to the Installation of Windows Device Recovery Tool 3.2.29 window. 
    • Wait a minutes for Installation, and click Next.
    • Then click, I accept the terms of the license agreement check box. and click Next.
    • If you wish to create a desktop shortcut, you can click Create a desktop shortcut box.
    • Then click Install button.
    • Wait the installation process, once finish, click close.
  5. Then download  64bitChecker1.5.0.exe Here.
    or Here
  6. http://click.xda-developers.com/api/click?format=go&jsonp=vglnk_145879195964442&key=f0a7f91912ae2b52e0700f73990eb321&libId=im5ndwej01000n4o000DAubvfkbt39qkn&loc=http%3A%2F%2Fforum.xda-developers.com%2Fshowthread.php%3Ft%3D2515453&v=1&out=http%3A%2F%2Fdilan.link%2F1Tm54wc&title=Tutorial%20%7C%20Lumia%20devices%20flashing%20%7C%20Windows%2010%20Development%20and%20Hacking&txt=64bitChecker1.5.0.exe
  7. Now, determine the Operating System architecture.
    • Run and execute the 64bitChecker1.5.0.exe file previously downloaded.
    • Then you will see The 64bit Checker - Is my Windows 64bit or 32bit? window appears on your computer screen.
    • From this windows indicates what is the Windows operating system architecture (32-bit or 64-bit) you use.
    • This information used to decide what is the Installation package part.
  8. Download Package.
    • Visit lumiafirmware.com Website developed by Cholens.
      lumiafirmware - flash nokia lumia
      lumiafirmware - flash lumia
    • On the left columns on your screen, select the Lumia device.
    • Then, you must choose depending on the product type (RM-x, where x is variable) of Lumia device.
    • Then, on the middle column you can choose a package if possible for your country of residence and Country Variant (CV).
    • Then, In the right column entitled List of Firmware, click on the release version.
    • Then you can download all file appeared on this window.
    • Now, you can make a folder on desktop windows and named it with Package.
    • Then you can move all downloaded file to the Package folder on desktop.
    • The access path to this package folder will be "%HomePath%\Desktop\Package.
  9. Package Installation.
    • for the first step to start package installation is connect your Lumia to computer using USB cable.
    • Then, Execute a command prompt in administrator mode. Wait that the installation is finished.
    • Now, Copy and paste to the command prompt.
      • For 32 bit Microsoft windows type.
        • cd "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Care Suite\Windows Device Recovery Tool"
      • For 42 bit Microsoft windows type.
        • cd "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Care Suite\Windows Device Recovery Tool"
    • Now, Copy and modify the thor2 -mode vpl -vplfile "%HomePath%\Desktop\Package\x.vpl" command, where x is the name of the VPL file previously downloaded.
    • Then, Copy the modify command and paste it to the command prompt, then press the Enter button from the computer keyboard.
    • Now, The package installation is started. 
    • Just wait that the installation is finished.
    • Now reboot your Lumia device by enter this command (thor2 -mode rnd -bootnormalmode)
    • Finish.


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