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Guide To Manually Upgrade / Flash Sony Xperia With Android Lollipop Firmware Using Xperifirm And Flashtool.

Posted by Android Flash Firmware on Saturday, October 10, 2015

Guide To Manually Upgrade / Flash Sony Xperia With Android Lollipop Firmware Using Xperifirm And Flashtool.

Manually Upgrade / Flash Sony Xperia Firmware Using Xperifirm And Flashtool. Now Android 5.0 Lollipop has started to roll for Sony Xperia series, with the new android version we can upgrade our firmware to the latest version. If your Android devices is using older android version like Android 4.0 Kitkat, and you devices is supported for upgrade you will be automatically get notificcation directly to your devices. But it is depending on some region and country where you life. For Sony Xperia Z, Xperia M2, Xperia M2, Xperia M2 Dual, M2 Aqua owner your firmware will be upgrade to the latest android 5.0 Lollipop.

This is very easy how to upgrade your firmware to the latest version, when you got notification to upgrade. Just connect your Sony Xperia device to Wi-Fi connection and upgrade your firmware Via OTA. This a simple way and low risk if you fill all prosedure how to do this. 

But, how if your Sony Xperia device does not has a notification to upgrade your firmware system.  For those I have a complete guide for Sony Xperia device to upgrade the firmware with Android 5.0 Lollipop, and how to download and install the Android Lollipop update to your Sony Xperia devices.

How To Install Android Lollipop On Xperia Using XperiFirm and Flashtool.

Read this guide very carrefully before you continoue attempting to install or flash a new firmware to your Sony Xperia. Guidebelajar does not responsible to your device if something go wrong, Do it with your own risk. To attempting flash or install a new firmware to your Sony Xperia device you do not need to unlock bootloader and root your devices. And your warranty will not be voided if you flash or install a new firmware to your Sony Xperia devices.

First Step Before Attempting Flash Sony Xperia.

Because we use this methode to flash your Sony Xperia device, it will take a big risk to your device from fail, damage or wrong. So, to minimilize our flashing process from any fail and something bad during flash or install firmware process, please read first guide before attempting flash or install Sony Xperia devices.
  • Make sure you have enough battery capacity in your device, it’s recomended you have 80% of battery capacity
  • Backup all important stored data in internal memory. (video, document, music, etc) because flashing process will erase all data that stored in this devices. Guide to backup your data can you read here:
  • It is very recomended that you create a backup of your original firmware, just in case you need to get back for repair your device if something goes wrong.
  • Download and Install drivers for your Xperia devices,  You need to ensure that your computer has all  of the necessary drivers instal led for your Sony Xperia. 
  • For The best way to do this is to install  PC Companion.
  • Make sure you connect your Xperia devices to the computer before starting the process to download the necessary USB and ADB drivers. 
  • If you have any problems you will  find the necessary drivers (once you have installed Flashtool ) in the following folder location:  ‘C: \Flashtool \drivers’.

Download Sony Xperia Firmware Automatically Using Xperifirm.

The next step you should do is download a new firmware in accordance with your Sony Xperia model and version, You can follow my special guide to do this here.

Using Flashtool To Upgrade / Flash Xperia Firmware.

You can see this guide how to Flash or Upgrade Firmware All Sony Xperia Smartphone Using Flash tool. Here 


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