HTC Desire 820 Unlock

Posted by Android Flash Firmware on Saturday, June 6, 2015

                                                          Important Instructions

For all HTC Desire 820 models we use the IMEI to lookup the code in HTC database. Unlocking codes are assigned to each HTC Desire 820 phone on manufacturing time so each code is specific for each IMEI. Please make sure that on the ordering form you use the IMEI from your HTC Desire 820 - not from its box (sometime are not matching). We do not refund or replace the order if you've submited wrong IMEI. 
We use the Country/Network information to exlcude some unsupported Carriers. If the carrier/country that locked your HTC Desire 820 is not supported please do not select and submit different information as the code will not work. If the order data is not matching your phone we will not issue any refund or replacement.
If your HTC Desire 820 is reported as Stolen/Lost it will not work in the country of the carrier that blacklisted it. Before ordering please consult our support department. If it is your case and you still order you will NOT be eligible for a refund. Factory unlocking will not solve the carrier ban. More information about this issue you can find here:
Due to supplier policy, for some orders with issues we may require video proof.


The advantages of a SIM unlocked HTC Desire 820 comparing with a network locked one are many. An important one is that unlocking Increase the value of your phone. An unlocked phone value is considerably bigger comparing with a locked one.
You must check whether your HTC Desire 820 is sim locked or not by inserting a SIM card from different network in it. If the phone is unlocked, the SIM card wouldn't be accepted.
Immediately after the payment we'll send you a SMS or an e-mail with the 8-digits code, you'll insert it in to the telephone and your HTC Desire 820 is going to be forever unlocked.

HTC Desire 820


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